Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7 Episode 21
Kira gets sent behind Cardassian lines in an effort to train them in resistance fighting. When Dr. Bashir learns of the deadly disease that Odo is infected with, he’s met with barriers when trying to obtain his medical records from Starfleet. Martok gets blindsided by Gowron when he arrives on DS9, announcing that he has assumed command of the Klingon fleet.
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- Eps 1: Emissary (1)
- Eps 2: Emissary (2)
- Eps 3: Past Prologue
- Eps 4: A Man Alone
- Eps 5: Babel
- Eps 6: Captive Pursuit
- Eps 7: Q-Less
- Eps 8: Dax
- Eps 9: The Passenger
- Eps 10: Move Along Home
- Eps 11: The Nagus
- Eps 12: Vortex
- Eps 13: Battle Lines
- Eps 14: The Storyteller
- Eps 15: Progress
- Eps 16: If Wishes Were Horses
- Eps 17: The Forsaken
- Eps 18: Dramatis Personae
- Eps 19: Duet
- Eps 1: The Homecoming (1)
- Eps 2: The Circle (2)
- Eps 3: The Siege (3)
- Eps 4: Invasive Procedures
- Eps 5: Cardassians
- Eps 6: Melora
- Eps 7: Rules of Acquisition
- Eps 8: Necessary Evil
- Eps 9: Second Sight
- Eps 10: Sanctuary
- Eps 11: Rivals
- Eps 12: The Alternate
- Eps 13: Armageddon Game
- Eps 14: Whispers
- Eps 15: Paradise
- Eps 16: Shadowplay
- Eps 17: Playing God
- Eps 18: Profit and Loss
- Eps 19: Blood Oath
- Eps 20: The Maquis (1)
- Eps 21: The Maquis (2)
- Eps 22: The Wire
- Eps 23: Crossover
- Eps 24: The Collaborator
- Eps 25: Tribunal
- Eps 26: The Jem'Hadar
- Eps 1: The Search (1)
- Eps 2: The Search (2)
- Eps 3: The House of Quark
- Eps 4: Equilibrium
- Eps 5: Second Skin
- Eps 6: The Abandoned
- Eps 7: Civil Defense
- Eps 8: Meridian
- Eps 9: Defiant
- Eps 10: Fascination
- Eps 11: Past Tense (1)
- Eps 12: Past Tense (2)
- Eps 13: Life Support
- Eps 14: Heart of Stone
- Eps 15: Destiny
- Eps 16: Prophet Motive
- Eps 17: Visionary
- Eps 18: Distant Voices
- Eps 19: Through the Looking Glass
- Eps 20: Improbable Cause (1)
- Eps 21: The Die Is Cast (2)
- Eps 22: Explorers
- Eps 23: Family Business
- Eps 24: Shakaar
- Eps 25: Facets
- Eps 26: The Adversary
- Eps 1: The Way of the Warrior (1)
- Eps 2: The Way of the Warrior (2)
- Eps 3: The Visitor
- Eps 4: Hippocratic Oath
- Eps 5: Indiscretion
- Eps 6: Rejoined
- Eps 7: Starship Down
- Eps 8: Little Green Men
- Eps 9: The Sword of Kahless
- Eps 10: Our Man Bashir
- Eps 11: Homefront (1)
- Eps 12: Paradise Lost (2)
- Eps 13: Crossfire
- Eps 14: Return to Grace
- Eps 15: Sons of Mogh
- Eps 16: Bar Association
- Eps 17: Accession
- Eps 18: Rules of Engagement
- Eps 19: Hard Time
- Eps 20: Shattered Mirror
- Eps 21: The Muse
- Eps 22: For the Cause
- Eps 23: To the Death
- Eps 24: The Quickening
- Eps 25: Body Parts
- Eps 1: Apocalypse Rising
- Eps 2: The Ship
- Eps 3: Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
- Eps 4: Nor the Battle to the Strong
- Eps 5: The Assignment
- Eps 6: Trials and Tribble-ations
- Eps 7: Let He Who Is Without Sin...
- Eps 8: Things Past
- Eps 9: The Ascent
- Eps 10: Rapture
- Eps 11: The Darkness and the Light
- Eps 12: The Begotten
- Eps 13: For the Uniform
- Eps 14: In Purgatory's Shadow (1)
- Eps 15: By Inferno's Light (2)
- Eps 16: Doctor Bashir, I Presume?
- Eps 17: A Simple Investigation
- Eps 18: Business as Usual
- Eps 19: Ties of Blood and Water
- Eps 20: Ferengi Love Songs
- Eps 21: Soldiers of the Empire
- Eps 22: Children of Time
- Eps 23: Blaze of Glory
- Eps 24: Empok Nor
- Eps 25: In the Cards
- Eps 26: Call to Arms
- Eps 1: A Time to Stand
- Eps 2: Rocks and Shoals
- Eps 3: Sons and Daughters
- Eps 4: Behind the Lines
- Eps 5: Favor the Bold (1)
- Eps 6: Sacrifice of Angels (2)
- Eps 7: You Are Cordially Invited
- Eps 8: Resurrection
- Eps 9: Statistical Probabilities
- Eps 10: The Magnificent Ferengi
- Eps 11: Waltz
- Eps 12: Who Mourns for Morn?
- Eps 13: Far Beyond the Stars
- Eps 14: One Little Ship
- Eps 15: Honor Among Thieves
- Eps 16: Change of Heart
- Eps 17: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
- Eps 18: Inquisition
- Eps 19: In the Pale Moonlight
- Eps 20: His Way
- Eps 21: The Reckoning
- Eps 22: Valiant
- Eps 23: Profit and Lace
- Eps 24: Time's Orphan
- Eps 25: The Sound of Her Voice
- Eps 26: Tears of the Prophets
- Eps 1: Image in the Sand
- Eps 2: Shadows and Symbols
- Eps 3: Afterimage
- Eps 4: Take Me Out to the Holosuite
- Eps 5: Chrysalis
- Eps 6: Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
- Eps 7: Once More Unto the Breach
- Eps 8: The Siege of AR-558
- Eps 9: Covenant
- Eps 10: It's Only a Paper Moon
- Eps 11: Prodigal Daughter
- Eps 12: The Emperor's New Cloak
- Eps 13: Field of Fire
- Eps 14: Chimera
- Eps 15: Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
- Eps 16: Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
- Eps 17: Penumbra
- Eps 18: 'Til Death Do Us Part
- Eps 19: Strange Bedfellows
- Eps 20: The Changing Face of Evil
- Eps 21: When It Rains...
- Eps 22: Tacking Into the Wind
- Eps 23: Extreme Measures
- Eps 24: The Dogs of War
- Eps 25: What You Leave Behind (1)